Find Your Furry Friend: Adoption Stories from Our Sanctuary
In this blog post, we’ll share heartwarming adoption stories from our sanctuary. Highlighting the journey of animals rescued, rehabilitated, and ultimately finding their forever homes. Each story embodies the spirit of hope and resilience, showcasing the...
A Day in the Life of a Volunteer at Ferne Animal Sanctuary: An Interview with Harry
In celebration of Volunteer Week, we had the pleasure of speaking with Harry a dedicated volunteer at Ferne Animal Sanctuary. Based in the beautiful Blackdown Hills in Somerset Ferne Animal Sanctuary provides refuge and rehabilitation for over 300 animals at its...
Unlocking the Power of Gift Aid: How Your Donations Can Make a Big Difference
Gift Aid is a UK tax incentive that allows charities like Ferne to reclaim the basic rate of tax on donations made by UK taxpayers. Boosting the value of the donation by 25% at no extra cost to the donor. This means that for every £1 donated to Milo, we can claim an...
Explore and Engage: Making the Most of Your Visit
Whether you have visited Ferne before or are a first-time visitor there is always something you can take part in. Within the boundaries of our beautiful 72-acre working sanctuary there are many activities to enjoy. But where to start? The Visitor Centre: When you...
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