Have a heart for Holly

Jun 25, 2019

Holly is a gorgeous German Shepherd X who is about to turn two this July.  More than anything else, her birthday wish is to have a forever home to feel safe and loved in, and an owner to call her own.

Sadly, Holly has been at Ferne since October last year and has become very depressed and withdrawn, almost as if she’s given up hope of finding that special person. She hasn’t had the best start in life, so is a little insecure and would benefit from an experienced owner who can help her to shine and reach her potential. She will need lots of love and security to help her gain confidence.

“Holly is a loving dog despite her early life experience, and our staff have become very fond of her as she has a lovely temperament,” said Tara Nirula, Re-homing Manager at Ferne. “It’s very sad she’s been so long at Ferne and we think she is feeling the strain of that as she has become very subdued. She’s intelligent and loving, but due to her sheltered start in life, she hasn’t had much experience with other dogs and doesn’t know how to interact with them, however with time, patience and training, although it will be a challenge, we are sure she will overcome these issues and will eventually make someone a devoted companion.”

Ferne are looking for an experienced owner for Holly who has lots of time to give her the behavioural work she needs, and a home without children or other pets is essential, but most of all, we would love to find her an owner who can give her the attention she so desperately misses and the understanding to help her thrive. She has seen lots of dogs come and go and we sincerely hope her turn will come soon!

Ferne are desperate to find Holly a permanent loving home with a special owner who can give her another chance of happiness.

If you feel you could be a home for a dog in need, click here