Free Wildlife & Dragonfly Photography Experience for Budding Photographers

Jun 4, 2019

Thanks to a grant from Heritage Lottery Fund, Ferne Animal Sanctuary is running a project called Discovering Dragonflies.  Dragonflies have been around before the first dinosaurs appeared. They are beautiful, inquisitive and incredibly aerobatic – basically great to watch.  This is why dragonflies are perfectly suited for generating inspiration for, educating about, and raising awareness of our natural heritage.

As part of this project, we would like to offer the chance to win a half day Wildlife & Dragonfly Photography Experience. A professional wildlife photographer with extensive experience of working with all ages and abilities will provide tuition, inspiration and camera equipment if necessary, so that you can develop your photographic skills and take wonderful pictures of dragonflies and wildlife. 

To apply please e-mail, stating your age if under 18, including up to three recent photos of wildlife you have taken, and just a few words as to why you would like to improve your wildlife photographic skills. (The photos and statement will be used as a tiebreaker to determine best potential photographers if demand is higher than the limited available spaces.)  This competition is more about potential, so feel free to use your phone or any camera you have handy and get clicking.  You will need to hurry though as the deadline for entries is July 4th  (those receiving places will be notified by July 5th.)

The photography experience will take place at Ferne Animal Sanctuary near Chard on Saturday 13th July. There will be two sessions with 18 and under taking place in the morning, with over 18s in the afternoon. 

We will share some of your photos, on our website, Instagram and Facebook sites, as well as in our dragonfly exhibition to be held at Ferne later in the Summer. 

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