Interested in a stall at our Ferne Christmas Craft Fair?

Sep 26, 2018

Ferne Animal Sanctuary is holding two Christmas Fairs this year – weekend of 1/2 December for regular crafts and 8/9th December for Food and Drinks. Father Christmas will be in attendance at both!

The fairs will be held in Ferne Animal Sanctuary Conference room, with tables and chairs provided and the room will be available from 9am until 4pm each day.

The cost per table is £10.00 however if you book both days you will get the second day at a discounted rate of £5.00, making the whole weekend just £15.00.

For further information and to book your table/s please send an email with details of what you wish to sell, to avoid duplication of crafts. If interested, please email: with ‘Craft’ or ‘Food and Drink’ in the subject line.

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