Your Incredible Journey

Mar 26, 2021

The Incredible Journey is a story of bravery, courage in the face of danger but above all the love of an animal for its owner.

In the classic story, the two dogs and a cat travel 200 miles through the Canadian Wilderness. We are asking you to sign up for your own Incredible Journey of 200 miles between 1st March and 31st August 2021.

It’s the equivalent of walking from Nina Duchess of Hamilton’s London home, where in 1939 she found a queue of owners looking to save their beloved pets after her announcement on the BBC, to the original Ferne Estate in Wiltshire, where the animals were first taken and the Sanctuary remained until 1975 and all the way back again.

Your Journey – Your Way!

It could be a group challenge; anything from a family or friendship group, WI, Brownies, Scouts, or Rotary OR an individual challenge to go the full distance.  What’s more, how you cover the distance is up to you, you could walk, run, swim, skip or even dance, we really don’t mind how you do it but please get in touch to let us know and if you’re sharing your journey on social media don’t forget to tag us and tell us where you have been, we really want to see where it takes you and celebrate those milestones with you.

Visit our Campaign page, then click on Start fundraising, then Fitness at home to set up your own Fundraising Page and start gathering sponsorship.  If you use Strava, you can link this to your page, which makes it really easy to share updates on your progress.

To recognise your support, everyone who completes the 200 miles will receive a personalised e-certificate and all who raise over £50 will receive a Ferne goodie bag AND there’s prizes for the top fundraisers as well;

  • Top Child (under 18) fundraiser – Tour of the Sanctuary with cream tea and an Incredible Journey hamper
  • Runner up (under 18) – Tour of the Sanctuary and a cake (flavour of their choice) made by our chef Richard
  • Top Group fundraisers – Tour of the Sanctuary and cream tea
  • Top Individual Fundraiser – Annual pass, tour of the Sanctuary with cream tea and an Incredible Journey hamper
  • Runner up Individual Fundraiser – Tour of the Sanctuary and a cake (flavour of their choice) made by our chef Richard
  • Most Unusual Campaign – Tour of the Sanctuary, with cream tea and an Incredible Journey hamper

Look out for extra fun challenges and a photo competition or two along the way!

If you would like to support us without taking part in the challenge, we also have a team of Ferne staff completing 200 miles each.