True To Your Art Christmas Workshop


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Would you like to come along and learn to paint your very own robin and donkey? Or perhaps treat someone to the experience as a gift?

Ferne Animal Sanctuary is excited to have Karen Huwen, an experienced teacher and award winning artist, to host a Paint Party here at the sanctuary.

Karen will take you through every step to paint a your very own masterpiece on canvas. No experience or drawing skills needed, just your enthusiasm and a desire to create something lovely to take home and put on your wall,  all materials will be supplied, just bring yourself!

The Event is Saturday 30th November from 1.30pm - 4.30pm. Tea and Cakes are included in the £45 price, which is payable upon booking to ensure your place.

Places are limited so please don't wait to book.

All profits will go towards looking after the animals in our care here at Ferne Animal Sanctuary.

The event will take place in our conference room, please follow the drive down to our car park. From there please head towards the buildings to the left.

Please note: tickets are non-refundable.


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